Month: March 2020

Tending Young Trees

Aspen were harvested along the main trail in the Lincoln Community Forest a few years ago.  Soon after, we planted white spruce and red oak.  The oak were protected from deer using tree tubes.  Landmark Conservancy planted white pine.  These species will give the forest more diversity and resilience to a changing climate.
Volunteers from the Friends group helped tend these young trees this spring.  We checked survival, fixed tree tubes where needed, and propped up white pine that were bent over from heavy snow.  We saw good survival of red oak and white pine.  Some white spruce survived too, but not as well as the pine and oak.  It will be fun to see these trees grow over the years.
The pic shows Erika Lang (Landmark Conservancy) and Madelaine Rekemeyer (Friends volunteer) social distancing while tending trees.
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