FAQ’s About The Friends Of The Forest
What is a friends group, generally?
Friends groups are common across the country. They are usually formed to support publicly funded or non-profit entities by raising money and volunteering labor, in this case, for a the Lincoln Community Forest.
Why was the Friends of Lincoln Community Forest formed?
The Friends of the Lincoln Community Forest (FLCF) is a local non-profit organization that incorporated in March 2013 whose mission is to facilitate the conservation and enjoyment of the Lincoln Community Forest. To accomplish this, the Friends group will assist the title holder in providing public access, education, and management recommendations to enhance the Forest’s value as a community asset.
What is the organizational makeup of the Friends Group?
FLCF is an entirely volunteer based organization. To date, the FLCF has more than 200 members and a 15 member Board of Directors. There are five committees of the Board, which are the Membership and Communications Committee, Forest Projects Committee, Endowment Committee, Education Committee, and the Fundraising Committee.
What are the Friends Group priorities for 2021?
Keep the Face of the Forest appealing for people and wildlife:
- Build trail boardwalks with WisCorps youth and volunteers.
- Maintain, monitor and tend new trees recently planted.
- Maintain, monitor and tend existing Wood Turtle and bat habitats with help from Turtles for Tomorrow.
- Explore non-lethal means to prevent beaver from plugging a road culvert on the LCF.
Grow our Education program:
- Restart and expand programs both on and off the LCF for all ages.
- Maintain kiosk and little library.
Keep our organization viable:
- Continue to improve a strong social media presence – we have a strong team in place.
- Ensure a strong relationship with Landmark Conservancy
- Revise the MOA with Landmark.
- Ensure sound finances, including a healthy Forest Forever Fund, and viable picnic
- Board vitality and succession planning.
Do I have to be a member of the FLCF to use the Community Forest?
No, the Lincoln Community Forest is open to everyone free of charge.
How can I become a member of the Friends of the Lincoln Community Forest?
Click this link to our membership form that you can print and mail with your donation.
What can I do to help?
- Become a member
- Donate to annual operations or the Forest Forever Fund Endowment
- Advocate for our mission and vision
- Volunteer your time and talents